Across time &
Around the globe

Pappalardo Lab
Pappalardo Lab · 2017
Taking apart an old Mac at MIT as part of a product design class. We met at MIT in 2015!
Los Angeles
Los Angeles · 2018
Georgia "ran" the LA marathon. This was our first big trip together.
Fenway Park
Fenway Park · 2019
We've seen a couple awesome concerts at Fenway Park, this was The Who!
Raleigh · 2020
We spent Christmas with Georgia's family and played with Legos all day.
Purdue University
Purdue University · 2021
We visited for a big swim team reunion, it was Georgia's first time at Purdue, and her first time at a college football game (she never even went to an MIT game…)
Barbados · 2022
Visiting sunny Barbados to visit Manuel's sister Karla and her family. We swam with sea turtles, and Manuel almost stepped on a stingray!
Pappalardo Lab
Pappalardo Lab · 2017
Taking apart an old Mac at MIT as part of a product design class. We met at MIT in 2015!
Niagra Falls
Niagra Falls · 2018
We visited with some friends over spring break and spent a day in Toronto.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles · 2018
Georgia "ran" the LA marathon. This was our first big trip together.
Barcelona · 2019
Our trip to Spain included beaches, cliffside drives, and lots of tapas!
San Diego
San Diego · 2019
We visited Manuel's sister Isa, and Georgia surfed for the first time.
Fenway Park
Fenway Park · 2019
We've seen a couple awesome concerts at Fenway Park, this was The Who!
Raleigh · 2020
We spent Christmas with Georgia's family and played with Legos all day.
Cape Cod
Cape Cod · 2021
Fun times with a film camera on Massachusetts' famous (super cold) beaches.
Purdue University
Purdue University · 2021
We visited for a big swim team reunion, it was Georgia's first time at Purdue, and her first time at a college football game (she never even went to an MIT game…)
New Hampshire
New Hampshire · 2021
The Flume Gorge is a beautiful hike in the White Mountains, and it's where we said yes!
Boston · 2021
One of our good friends, Lauren, took our engagement photos. We went to some great spots in Boston and Cambridge.
Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe · 2022
We've had great skiing here in the east coast, but our trip to the west coast with Purdue friends was on another level!
Barbados · 2022
Visiting sunny Barbados to visit Manuel's sister Karla and her family. We swam with sea turtles, and Manuel almost stepped on a stingray!

Wedding · 2022

Hope to see you there!

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